Elemental Feng Shui

A big part of creating harmony in the home following a Feng Shui consultation is by balancing the five elements - Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal. Adding specific elemental cures using colour, materials, shapes, textures, and symbolism are subtle ways to enhance positive energy and drain stars that are not supporting you. Below are some recent photographs I have taken - depicting the different elements. The images on this page are not particularly suitable for adding to your home, they just capture the essence of the elements and show my style of work. If you require an image to balance your home, please contact me and I will find the perfect image for you.


Water energy is found in the North of a property, and is associated with the flow of life and career. Active water is used via fountains to stimulate the auspicious 8 and 9 water stars for wealth, but water symbolism is also often used as a cure (via a picture, blue glass, or wavy lines) to calm difficult star combinations, With the Journey North sector you have to be very careful about what the symbolism the water pictures you add represent. Still boats, as shown above will halt progress, and on the opposite scale a picture of a great waterfall will cause life to move too fast. The above images are best used where you need a virtual water cure.


Wood is my favourite element - for me it represents both calmness and creativity. It's fascinating seeing the daily changes in the trees as the seasons change. If I could capture the detail of the beauty I see every day, I would have achieved my mission. Wood in Feng Shui is related to the East and South East, It can also be used the South (wood feeds fire) and, in more complex Feng Shui analysis, is used to balance either excess water or strengthen the fire element in flying star charts. In a more simpler way, tree energy is good for helping water people relax and come up with new ideas.


Fire is located in the South of your home or office and represent fame, recognition, and the future. Fire is hot, bright and vibrant. The peak of the year is the Summer Solstice, but every ten days we have two days of fiery energy. Depending on your DayMaster sign using Four Pillars Astrology, fire will represent different things for different people. For water types it represents wealth.

The Key message I take from fire is sometimes you have to burn things to the ground to rebirth. I have done this twice in my life, it wasn't that pleasant, but I came out for the better. Hence the Phoenix Rising imagery. Also, fire in nature is minimal. You see much less red tones naturally than other colours. It is special and comes with a warning tag. Use sparingly!


Earth is all around us and represents grounding, nurturing, stabilising energy in Feng Shui and is located in the South West (relationships) and North East (inner knowledge and learning). It is a hard topic to photograph, in some ways, but exploring the Bader sett near my home now that the summer foliage has died back has been fascinating. I love walking with no shoes and laying on bare earth - very soothing.


Metal energy is consolidated, analytical and associated with the North West and West of your home or business. It is added with real metal, circles, white, gold, silver, and grey. It strengthens water and reduces earth.

Nora Zinerman Studio

Brands and websites fully reflecting the Essence of your business.


Meo Divergent


Snake Medicine - Vomiting out venom