I combine art and therapy to help people

Acute sensitivity that sees beyond surface layers to create unconventional magic with Art.

Unique, Impactful, subtle, high vibrational art for clubs, events and Edgy or high class locations

I can walk in all circles comfortably, but am most at home when I produce work that is real, non-apologetic, mood enhancing and impactful. No pretentiousness needed.

A collaborator at heart, my art weaves an innate understanding of the human psyche (fully qualified therapeutically) but my real education has been via the university of life and years of practise split between running a business and working with clients. We never stop learning.

Fascinated by people, healing and understanding combined with a passion to communicate through writing and art, I have the creativity combined with 23 years business experience to walk in both worlds.

How do extraordinary visuals enhance and set apart clubs and festivals?

The influence of subliminal imagery is a well-known programming technique - just like adverts on TV can gear up sales or news can instil fear, my animations and artistic creations are created for the pure purpose of increasing positivity, vitality and magnetic attraction and repeat custom, as well as harmony and less aggravation on nights out in your space.

People are drawn to the vibration I create, it’s usually a tick yes or an intense no. Resonance and connection with my clients is key, so I will only accept a project I feel aligned with.

My objective is to create an atmosphere for your clientele that lifts them, increases your profits through repeat business, and referrals and creates a win-win for all. I will be the first to say no if I am not your person, but I’m fairly open minded and can help most people. And if we work together, we will win. I base my reputation on that. I work to your brief, and defined KPIs and will exceed them if I engage you as a client. All work is subject to agreed terms,

heal thyself

The two sides

I have worked through trauma, and other heavy stuff, whilst also having happy relationships, a successful business and much to be grateful for.

We all have issues, some more than others and most therapists are drawn to this path, because they have learnt something so valuable they wish to share it.

Whilst therapists are required to reflect and work on themselves, for continuous professional development, investing in self-mastery voluntarily beats buying premium bonds or bitcoin any day of the week, in my personal opinion.

A few years ago, I was diagnosed with ADHD and suddenly I made sense. I am still exploring the tip of this iceberg, but am getting better and better at managing it.

Hyper focusing is a common symptom of this brain wiring, as is inspired out of the box ideas and on the flip side, burn out. It is powerfully helpful when understood and channeled. But is hard to diagnose, and for me, only became acutely evident, when all structure was removed during lockdown.

I have deeply healed myself twice in this lifetime (with help) and have had two near death experiences. These made me who I am today. When it comes to healing, nobody can do it for you. You have to find your path yourself, and helpful guides come in and out to provide signposts and support to keep going.

On my path I met spiritual teachers and therapists, attended retreats, studied Western astrology since I was15 and have trained in Hypnotherapy, NLP, Feng Shui, Reiki and Shamanic work - to name a few. More recently I have held 3 art exhibitions, carried out live works at festivals and gigs, hosted 2 ceremonial workshops, and connected to charities that need support. I f have purpose and feel blessed.

It was in the last few years though I learnt the power of self-acceptance, and how to live in present time. Not to be underestimated. This has been the greatest gift and blessing of my life so far, other than going to Kit Kat in Berlin. An experience I’ll never share or forget.

Browse the Shop

A beautiful and moving image now graces my wall: layers of vibrant colour alternatively reveal and conceal forms of significance, depicted with emotion and artistry. The abstract quality is such that it is a timeless piece I will always value and enjoy. Thank you!
— Peta Hillier
Human Form: Beautiful Dreamlike quality of the animation was matched by the music which I thought has hints of Vangelis Blade Runner which is strangely appropriate. The deram movement was interrupted towards the end by some flashes of animation - I would have liked more of this even though I didn’t understand what they were. Thought provoking.
— Ron Clint
I asked for Rachels help with a young family member. They were having mental health issues which involved refusing to attend school, withdrawing from friendship groups and showing signs of psychosis.
Rachel discussed with me her findings regarding her birth date and time in relation to her specialised work. Together we put a plan in place as I was to help. I carried out her recommendations. She stated that this time would come to an end this Spring and they would be through the part of the chart that was causing the chaos.
I am so excited to report that they were again attending school until the lockdown. She is fully interacting with her family and is again part of her friendship group. Due to the lockdown and her now being well she is catching up with the school work she missed and will be ready to start again when the time comes. She is now off all medication which included ADHD and antidepressant prescription drugs. I cannot thank Rachel enough. If you are on the fence regarding her work, don’t be, it will be the best thing you could do for yourself and those you care for.
— D Malone