Art Coaching


Using Art as part of your healing journey

Art has many levels of depth to the viewer and also varied purposes for its creation. It can be used to release or create as needed. It came to me first as a method to process my emotions, and to this day, is the most powerful way I have found to clear energy and gain deeper self-understanding and answers/guidance. Like a punchbag, discharging pain and anger through art practise is one use that can release toxic emotions very quickly.
It can also be used to physically express what you are working towards. Thoughts come by the million. Things written down are more powerful but imagery, however basic, is what most quickly ad deeply influences the subconscious mind.

It is highly beneficial having a mentor to help you learn to use journeying to unpack big decisions, find your own answers - someone who can journey for you when required, but also set you projects to explore, topics that you can’t unravel consciously. Working with the drum, journalling and patience, you will move forwards to a more authentic life. Only you can see the 360 degree spectrum of your whole life, and no therapist should guide you too strongly in my opinion. Tuning in to your thoughts, feelings, images and visions that as you practise become very easy to access - and using your own reflections primarily to interpret them, is the empowered way to realign and edge forwards, using your energy to direct.

are you drawn to my work and would like to Work with Me?

I offer a free no-obligation consultation to discuss your needs and how I may be of help

Use Art to Destroy and Create

Art is my preferred medium for changing consciousness in the present moment. I also love sharing the process of using art therapeutically with others.

From my own personal experience, light and darkness co-exist in an ever-evolving cycle. They continuously weave into each other, waxing and waning, both needing to be acknowledged and embraced. They dance like intimate lovers who understand balance and equality.

Art is my constant. My refuge. My highest and most evolved expression.