Animations to raise awareness
Films & Animations as a tool to raise awareness
I know, from personal experience, that a lot of conditions are hard to diagnose, masked and judged. They are misunderstood by the people who care for us the most, as well as well-meaning health care professionals. I learnt over 20 years that until you have experienced something in your own body, no amount of research or study can replace that ‘I lived it,’ understanding.
I have never truly suffered with depression, so cannot understand in my body why anybody doesn't want to bounce out of bed. It’s a new day! Equally, others do not understand the passion and drive that means a 4am get up is a treat not a nuisance.
Throughout my years of learning to manage me, a few significant things have stood out. One: you can’t really get it if you haven’t had it, but you can still manage and help the people you love or work with if you have the right information. Two: All people absorb learning in different ways.
So, using personal experience and 20 years of therapeutic client work, I use short films and laminations to visually represent as best I can, information that helps people see, how a hardworking, talented and kind person has navigated her way through certain things. If it helps one person, I am glad.
Key areas of neurodivergence that interest me are ADHD, Autism and Hypersensitivity. I am also keen to expose reality around addiction, low self-esteem and getting out of programmed conditioning.
None of us are perfect. And many experience a dark night of the soul in their life, where we hit a low we can only come up from. Whether that is through emotional breakdown, stress, addiction, or relationship or job trauma. Getting through this period is critical, and many avenues of help can be found. My work depicts insights gained as the insider and how it feels, as well as the trained therapist. If you are lucky enough to have family, friends, and healthcare providers to support you, the missing link as I see it, is helping them see how you feel and what they can do practically to support and not trigger you.
So, these resources are for charities, doctors, families, support groups and you.
I don’t think many of us neurodivergent creatures understand fully how this double edged sword can be reframed so easily into a superpower, with some limits. Same with addiction, if you are that obsessive (translate; passionate) you can channel that power into something phenomenal.
I offer a free no-obligation consultation to discuss your needs and how I may be of help
Hi, I’m Rachel meo Klint
Art is my preferred medium for changing consciousness in the present moment. I adore telling stories to raise awareness of key issues using animation, photography, and art.
From my own personal experience, light and darkness co-exist in an ever-evolving cycle. They continuously weave into each other, waxing and waning, both needing to be acknowledged and embraced. They dance like intimate lovers who understand balance and equality.
I dwell in the world of ADHD whilst running a successful marketing agency.
I’ve trained in Feng Shui, Astrology, EFT, Attractor Field technique and practiced many therapeutic services over the years.
Art is my constant. My refuge. My highest and most evolved expression.