jouRney With ME

The power of Visionary Art

I am curious. You must be too. Otherwise, why are you here? I’m not exactly conventional or your average cup of tea. And I’m not easy to find. I don’t know who you are yet, or what you need, but you are here. And you followed the right path to find out why. Let’s look at what you need and how I might be able to help you.

Personal Client or Business?

I think most people want a similar thing in life – to feel loved and valued, have good health, enough money and more, and do what they want, when they want. Breaking free of our limited conditioning, handed down from our well-meaning parents and theirs, and on it goes. And most importantly living life with death as our wise advisor – constantly asking ‘is today a good to die?’, ‘Have I done what I wanted?’ Do I look back from my last breath and think yep, I nailed it the best I could. Ha. Not many get that level of satisfaction. I will do or die trying. I’m not a quitter! And neither are you.

Art to enhance your space

  • Gentle Nude

    Fine Art

    Prints for sale - a cost effective way to beautify your space with high vibration art.

  • Bespoke art for clubs & Festivals

    Create an experience they won't forget

  • Bespoke art for your home or office

    Channelled One Off Art - to match and create your desired outcome

  • Therapeutic Art Coaching

    Online coaching to learn journeying and channelling techniques

Art – especially when channelled, is a portal to change

Whether you put it in your personal space or business premises, or it is projected to thousands during a night out / festival chill out tent or shown in therapeutic settings. it will initiate rapid transformation. Sexily and or subtly, hypnotically and carefully – the correct projections, short films or prints will transform your space, for all who get to witness it.

Hypnotic suggestion or subliminal imagery has been used forever in advertising, tv and everywhere they can slip it in. I switched it off and tune into my own ring of power. It’s time to up the population happiness levels, no matter what the news is pumping out, or the negative ‘labels’ we have been given. Everything gets better as we raise our vibration. “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” a quote from one of my favourite authors. Wayne Dyer.

Many awakened during the Pandemic, which is a great thing. My rude awakening was much earlier in life, around age 20. On my knees, I discovered we live in a metaphysical reality, and most rules once learnt, can be bent or even broken. It all depends on your mind. ‘If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter’. And if you believe in possibility you are half way there. This second quote always stayed with me, from a fabulous man I trained with extensively in Acupuncture for the Mind and the Attractor Field Technique - Dr Kurt Ebert - a pioneering psychiatrist, Neuro-psychologist and truly phenomenal and cheerful presence in my life for over 15 years,. His work draws from the philosophy of the book ‘Power Versus Force;’ by David R Hawkins. It’s worth reading.

Clubs, Festivals and Parties

Do you want your audience to leave on such a high note, feeling blissed out the next day? They leave feeling so buzzed up they don’t have that Sunday/Monday come down and feel inspired and invigorated by the combination of visual and audial stimulation as well as the general positive vibes.

Why Art and Music Together is So Powerful

Combined with the hottest music, correct visuals work to enhance a secondary sensory level where 1 + 1 does not equal 2. It’s transcendent, organismic, life changing stuff. Clients leave in a pink haze and feel all funny the next day, at least the first time. And, to maintain that next day high, you just keep switching it up visually.

Like the best DJs who stood the test of time, you can anticipate the mood of the audience within seconds. You mirror and match, respond and redirect whilst working live. As in a one-to-one setting, you quickly build rapport, watch, switch if needed and then you're there. And they are with you. Seeing what they respond to, you give them what they want, and then a bit more.

If you want to learn more, contact me for a 30min, no obligation call - click here to set up a zoom consultation.

Personal Spaces

Your home is a direct mirror of you. And the pictures you add to it, will greatly influence your life - in positive or negative ways. Requesting guidance from a qualified Feng Shui Artist is the fastest route to success in creating a space that nurtures your dreams. And brings them to fruition, as if by magic, almost instantaneously. Buy a print here or request a personally channelled piece that tunes into what you need right now to get you to the next step of where you need/want to be.

These can be done via an initial zoom consultation, and then a digital produced print that comes from a channelled image. Full instructions on where to place it and how to maximise the effectiveness are included in the price. All my work is guaranteed to get results. Some clients work with me on a semi-regular basis to combine astrological insight and keep their significant manifestation affection art current.

I have personally invested in a number of channelled commissions and the results when hung correctly are instantaneous. I also know when the time come for the most beautiful pieces to say goodbye.

Keep the Energy Moving

When it is time, replace your current piece with a new one. You will know when the energy starts to wane or stagnate (when the intention is completed). Beautiful art is not ‘beautiful’ if the energy has completed its cycle and the energy is waning. However, it is likely to be the ideal ‘cure’ for someone else. So, learn the process of letting go, recycling (selling/exchanging) and replacing it with a new piece depicting what your next journey entails.

I encourage you to call me, for a free no obligation chat to discuss what you need and the most efficient solution.

Wishing you success in creating the life beyond your dreams so far.
