Kaizen > Satori: First Class Honours
Using Channelled Art for University Success
This piece was made for one of the brightest people I have met.
It is called Kaizen > Satori: First Class Honours
The initial intention was to create a symbolic piece they could hang in their student accommodation, that both visually and energetically hold the vibration of success. Japanese is a difficult degree, yet well worth the effort that this student will have to put in, in order to gain (in my opinion) one of the most useful and beautiful degrees that will provide business opportunities, deep wisdom and appreciation of the subtleties in the of the of the deepest and beautiful culture, filled with tradition and mysteries. Japanese philosophy is a subject that fascinates me, particularly after studying Wabi Sabi – another Japanese concept when I was on a photography course Brick Lane in London a few years ago.
Wabi Sabi - Wabi Sabi is hard to put into words effectively. I believe it is best described as a vibration or state of consciousness that comes from combined Buddhist teachings. It recognises that everything is impermanent and that there is profound beauty in all things, even those that could be considered ‘imperfect.’ It is a state of mind, coming from a place of inner serenity that embraces simplicity, nature, and complete acceptance, looking at what is, through deep understanding and love.
Kaizen, the original seed of the idea for this commission, is a concept I and many other businesses including Toyota, use to facilitate positive progress. . It is made of two characters, shown above, Kai which means change and Zen which means good. To me, this can have two different meanings – change is good, or making good changes through simplifying, bettering or improving working/living practices.
Businesses are always growing or declining, and this is in part related to how much energy we put in. Life/health/relationships/everything can roll along or coast for a while. However, a structured process of continuous improvement, in energy management, personal growth, improving our health, studying, work, financial management or home improvement keeps the energy of success flowing in the right direction.
In terms of for a student to flourish in their studies, there are many elements they need to keep reviewing and improving where necessary, to support their studies. For example, maintaining good routines, whilst away from home for the first time is critical for stability and remaining grounded. Healthy eating, exercise, socialising with high energy people, journaling their successes and having a process to work through any issues they are facing – with a mentor or supportive 963448 are all examples when implemented consistently will support the student to have both the best time of their lives AND ace the end result, setting them up for life.
The Initial Sketch
It started with 2 steep mountain paths and the student’s face behind it – not deliberately perfected but showing their recognisable features – in particular the eyes and strong bone structure.
It also had two jagged paths creating a triangular shaped mountain. One was red and one blue. At the top was a yellow star. As the stick figures (representing the student) sweating their way up the tough climb like a determined mountain goat, a second person came into the picture. This looked like a love relationship as their paths crossed.
Satori means instant awakening and came into the picture as it unfolded through meditation and sketching.
The image came into my mind that after the initial push and effort, there would be an enlightening event – possibly some kind of spiritual awakening where every part of Japanese Ki, which had slowly been being absorbed by osmosis, suddenly became integrated and so deeply understood bodily that a deep energetic shift took place. This may well be where the relationship or other person crosses their path. Something deeply profound occurs at the speed of light, changing the student’s level of understanding and future pathways.
A degree is not just a qualification to get a job in life. This is a soul journey, very mystical yet teaching many lessons in resilience and has (in my vision) a very happy outcome. I also feel the red and blue paths symbolise the student finding balance in their masculine and feminine energies and finding deep inner peace.
May it fulfil its purpose for the highest good of all concerned
Meo x