Snake Medicine, Power, Division and Techno:

Berlin accepts everyone in theory

Spitting or Vomiting Venom

Sometimes .it just has to be done. People come into your life for a reason, season, or lifetime. Or they have some kind of medicine you need. Madam BK who hosted me at my third Air B&B in East Berlin, was a yin earth snake, and had highly intuitive and powerful transformative energy.

After listening kindly yet with power to my recent events, she went to the window to vomit. Unnecessarily, according to mainstream views of reality (i.e. she wasn't drunk etc.) and yet, I saw the blackness envelope her and then expelled through sudden vomiting. As I told her what I was seeing, her need to vomit stopped instantly, I transferred the energy she had absorbed back to me, the owner and I spat it out until it cleared.

She was completely fine after that. The event occurred to teach her about her power - a power that she didn’t know she had. She can absorb and purge poison on any level. That is snake medicine. But she also needed to learn how to protect herself. Yin energy absorbs. Her body understood the need to purge it, but she didn't understand what had occurred and also why the need to vomit. It taught me a lot too.

Snake medicine is elegant, seductive, and charming. Snake daymasters can reinvent themselves again and again, shedding their skin and going through a swift transition of renewal. Earth, whether yin or yang is powerful. Yin absorbs, Yang projects.

We both learnt big lessons in energy that night. She had power, that can help people tremendously. However, her own wellbeing and management of that power needs understanding, protecting and management with developed awareness and boundaries I can see and understand, I took it back because it was mine. However, with her help I also saw myself from a new perspective and admire her and the talent she has to help many people purge their darkest demons. I also learnt more about snake medicine, something I also have in my chart.

She already knew her power consciously to a fairly high degree. However, that night she glimpsed another dimension of her double edged sword capability. I saw it and her, and hope she continues to develop this gift to help many people. It is rare to see Shamanic potential and that level of ability in extraction medicine which is so acutely powerful. Like me, she needs to learn how to use it safely with the correct boundaries in place.

During my stay I met two other members of her family and saw how her power was acknowledged by the elder, but feared by another close to her age and defended with competitive material output. Interesting. Raw power can so terrifying to Mr/Ms normal. It causes such intense jealously, and is often attempted to be squashed. But power correctly employed for the highest good will always gently disarm and ultimately overcome force.

Techno - Berlin’s Most Famous Output

If, even in your forties, you still love proper techno, you can’t get it better than Berlin. It may be a city of lost soul party animals, but some DJs/regular weekend party people make a decent living from the scene. The rest just get addicted to the pheromones you can smell the next day, despite going nowhere near crossing certain boundaries. They don’t need too many substances there, the air is full of them literally. But the love and acceptance is a thrill that is worth experiencing once. For addicts, don’t go back. the next night even if your body tells you otherwise. Loving vibes abound, rules barely exist, and people connect, deeply and authentically, although the culture of such detached relationships is still quite alien to me. You don’t get a guide book on the door, you have to let your intuition guide you and leave/disconnect/stay clear headed and know your boundaries if you want to tread lightly, exploring a completely different scene.

I wasn't going to go, but following a techno art painting class the previous night (with Dina Schneider - check her out on Air BnB experiences if you are heading to Berlin) I thought why not. And turning up alone to a club, was a new experience that gave me a huge confidence boost. I only stayed for three hours but had the best night.

I later learnt that Germans, of which is my blood line, need to let go more than other people. They are driven and often and find it hard to let go. This place takes you out of your mind to a degree, and the smells, sounds, touch and vibes take you into extraordinary reality.

The Wall and the Deeper Reason for my Visit

I was fascinated with the art at the East Side Gallery, commissioned fairly recently by professionals. The East Berliner’s couldn't get anywhere near the wall, so the art seen there was designed to brief. On the west side, it was more East London graffiti style, and clearly added to since the wall’s deconstruction. But it wasn't polished, directed, or policed.

As I sat in an old school-style taxi from there to my next destination, I learnt so much about the taboos surrounding the war - a topic close to my soul, and something that fascinates me., There is so much we need to learn still about the consequences that occurred and how this traveled down family lineages to those who had nothing to do with it. Like with other cultures that were persecuted, at some point it needs to be understood, made right as best it can and then disengaged with/stopped/forgiven/healed/accepted. There are no winners in war whoever flies the victory flag. I am not against standing ground, and not engaged enough to process all of the dynamics that create these situations. But I am shocked and horrified it still needs a lot of healing today.

All I know is, personally, I can forgive those who did things inexcusable when bound by orders in those situations. And I can understand how it affected many generations following it. And I can live with not knowing then and now, why some people get so crazy to start things that affect and play out long after they are gone. But all those born in the 60-70’s onwards should not carry ancestral guilt or feel anger. Life is as it is. We exist in the now, and can choose to feel grateful for whatever the current reality brings. If you accept the things you can’t change (past a definite) and that current reality fairly immovable too, in some ways, you have more peace. There is always one brick in our own wall we ca move to make things better however close to home that is.

I loved Berlin, the people I met, the contrast, history, and acceptance I felt there. Despite a severely sprained ankle, not allowing me the freedom to explore dawn till dawn, I got the feel of it, if not the full overview. It is an intense place, where new landmines of a 21st century culture are strong death traps if you don’t tread with caution. And it is also a place of dynamic hustling, self-exploration and dead skin shedding if you stick to colouring just between the lines. I will go back, when purpose dictates; it is a place you could both lose or find yourself.

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