Feng Shui Art

Feng Shui is not a popular buzz word these days. It used to be in the 90’s, and is actually still utilised by most people in positions of power and authority. The successful, the magicians, the wise.

But it is now more underground, a well kept secret, as it was when it first started.

This website is not about Feng Shui. Although it should be used in every aspect of design and planning, working with both time and space to achieve maximum success in all areas of personal and business life, it generally isn’t. I do offer Feng Shui Consultations yet, after many years, found that the most effective way to support my clients is, in most cases, to supply the correct images they need in their space to manifest the next step up their personal ladder.
Bespoke Art for your home or office

Step One - Browse My Shop

Feng Shui knowledge is intertwined with every piece in my shop. I won’t sell imagery I produce that involves energy that is unproductive, however beautiful it might appear to the naked eye. I appreciate, we all see art in different ways, however the energy present at the time of its creation exists. Some images on this site are the result of processing life experiences and not suitable for anything other than telling a story. Others contain magic.
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Key Feng Shui Art Principles

Each compass direction of your home has a purpose for manifestation. And every big goal in life can be broken down into achievable steps that get you to your destination. It is through seeing your big goal as small steps up a long ladder, and taking them one by one, that you get to the top. Throw out all your popular Feng Shui books, and also lose your scepticism. And then understand that even having trained for over 20 years in this subject, it is metaphysical, so far more complex than anyone can truly understand to the core. Your energy combines with your environment in ways that can take years to understand. However, very fast results can be achieved, with correct symbolic imagery.

One Image Can Change Your Life

This sounds like a grandiose claim. And it kind of is. Finding the right image can be nearly impossible. I know this from my own journey of searching mainstream art for exactly what I have needed, until I decided to create it myself. Every detail needs to be perfect. If you haven’t got years to trawl the internet, there is a much faster solution. A piece created for you that depicts your deepest desire manifest. Along with advice on where to position it. In addition, by analysing the combination of energies in the sector you are adding it to (relationships, recognition, career, knowledge, propensity etc.) it can be tuned to the correct colour palette to balance and harmonise results.

The Pictures That Carry Most Influence

If you have a picture positioned opposite your bed, it is one of the most powerful images in your home. This is because it is the first and last thing you see on sleeping and wakening, when your subconscious is most open. The same applies to the picture you see directly in front of you, in your office as well as the key pictures clientele see when they spend time in your premises.

Energetic Vibration

I have seen so many pretty, even famous paintings, that are causing their owner’s such dire consequences. Whether it is the symbolism, or the energy of the moment they were created - they stink energetically. Even though they may be clever, visually stunning or intriguing they do not serve well in creating happy lives.

Feng Shui art is the exact opposite of this.
It is created with intention, high vibration energy and attention to detail that will manifest almost instantaneously the results the client has requested.

Or, an even more powerful option is to work with me for 3 sessions and allow what you need, versus want, to be channelled into form. Often, we don’t know what we need, we just crave something that is ‘missing’. 3 sessions of journeying and getting to know you, where you are and where you want to be, using a blend of coaching and meditation, will identify a deeper level of soul fulfilment that will achieve much deeper transformation.

Your final piece will consider an analysis of your space, your taste, and style preferences. I will then create a draft digital image, that can be fine-tuned until it’s perfect, that is for you only.

The Power of Letting Go

If you let go you will be surprised at how much bigger the gift of what could be yours, awaits you.
It is your choice. Either way, you will accelerate and progress much faster than before by adding Feng Shui art to your space, whether you direct it or let it come to you.

Nora Zinerman Studio

Brands and websites fully reflecting the Essence of your business.


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